Wednesday 26 February 2014

The right way to praise kids

Here is a link to a video clip on how to praise children.
Carol Dweck: The Effect of Praise on Mindsets

I chose this video as it is easy for parents to understand, you don't need to be an educator to understand this video. For more information about Carol Dweck, please visit

Praise is a very powerful tool. When it is used in the right way, it can unlock your children's potential but when it's used wrongly, it can also have negative impact on children. This is the language I use to praise your child at school and you can help me by using the same language when praising your child at home. Together we can help them develop confidence and build a 'can-do' attitude towards learning. 

Thank you for your support.


Class Student Profile - Term1 Week6 Homework

The AraTeina staff are experimenting with an interactive e-tool called ‘Padlet.’ We are hoping that you and your child will join us in leaving comments on the ‘Padlet wall.’ All he/she needs to do is to leave a brief description about

1. how I got my name,
2. my favourites,
3. whatever I want to share with others. eg) photos, information about where your family comes from.

To access - follow this link. The password has been sent to your email to ensure full privacy of children's details and only our class will have access. You can also ask your child for the password.

To leave a comment on the Padlet wall you double click anywhere on it to open a text box.  

Have fun families!

Tuesday 25 February 2014

Orchard Visit

For our writing today, we visited our school orchard. Orchard fruits were ready to be picked! We chose our five fruits that we wanted to pick and brought them back to class. 

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Trip Notice

Due to the change of the beach visit date, there will be another notice going out today with the correct date. It would be most appreciated if you could fill out the new permission/parent help form and return it to me. Please disregard the old trip notice that went out yesterday. Thank you very much for your cooperation. 

all library books to be returned by tomorrow morning :)

Library – Our library day is Friday. Children are allowed to borrow one book at a time. Please remind your child that he/she needs to return his/her library book by Thursday morning so a new book can be issued the next day. Children at Year 2 level are encouraged to learn to take responsibilities for his/her own property including their library card. I would appreciate your support in developing this skill. ​

Change of Beach visit date for Room 15

Wednesday 19 February 2014

Dear Parents / caregivers

Mrs Adele Park is required to attend professional development on Thursday 6th March.  Therefore, Room 15 will now be visiting Cornwallis Beach on Tuesday 4th MARCH.   

We will travel by bus and will be leaving school at approximately 9:15am. We will arrive back at school at approximately 2:30pm. 

As we wish to keep costs to a minimum, we ask all parents to meet us at Cornwallis Beach.  If you are able to provide transport for other parents could you let your child’s class teacher know.

The total cost for a return bus fare to the beach will be $5 for Loyalty card holders and $7 for non-loyalty card holders.  

For the beach trip your child will need:
Packed lunch and water bottle                                          
Togs and towel
Appropriate footwear                                             
Appropriate clothing (not uniform)

Please let your child’s teacher know before the trip, if your child requires any medication to take with them on the day.

We ask that water toys and inflatables are not brought on the trip.

If it is raining the visit will be cancelled and costs incurred will be transferred to next term’s trip.

Shenita Prasad - Team Leader for Ara Teina ( )                  

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Swimming Tomorrow :D

Swimming – Our swimming day this Term is Thursday from 2:00 – 2:45 pm. Our first swimming day will be the 30th (this week). Children will need to have their swimming suit, swimming cap and a towel in their swimming bag. Swimming cap is not compulsory but it prevents children from getting head lice in the pool. All of these items will need to be named. Please make sure that your child knows how to get changed and dressed by themselves.

Monday 10 February 2014

Back to School BBQ - Wednesday 12 Feb

For more information, please visit Arahoe School website.

Ko Au, Ko Au - Sing along with us!

Ko au, ko au ténei 
Ko koe, ko koe ténä 
Ko ia, ko ia térä
Kei te mahi ngä mahi

This is me
That is you
That is her/him over there All busy working

Language learning can be reinforced with waiata and the appropriate actions that support the meaning. This waiata is a good example of this. :) 
Please practice singing the song at home. 

Friday 7 February 2014

Parent Help Roster

Thank you all very much for returning the parent-help forms. We have a great number of parents who are willing to help with so many different things. It means so much to us that you are all willing to dedicate your time for your child’s learning. Helping with housekeeping things like opening and closing the windows in the cloak bay may seem trivial but it helps me focus my energy into teaching your child so thank you very much for offering to lend me a hand.

I have made a roster according to the information you have provided. 

Returning books
(2:50- 2:55 pm)
Sarina (Arizona)
Nadene (Toby)
Catherine (Leandro)
Helen (Maerin)
Adi (Hazzie)


Jacinda (Eilidh)
Kelly (Caleb)
Wiping tables, putting the chairs down
(8:30 – 8:50)
Adi (Hazzie)
Adi (Hazzie)
Adi (Hazzie)
Adi (Hazzie)
Adi (Hazzie)
Spelling Test

Helen (Maerin)

Opening Cloak bay windows
(any time around  8:30 am)
Kylie (Skye)
Kylie (Skye)
Kylie (Skye)
Kylie (Skye)
Kylie (Skye)
Closing Cloak bay windows
(anytime around 3:00pm)
Helen (Maerin)

Returning books:  Due to the number of parents willing to help, you won’t need to spend 30 min every week. Instead, if you could spend 5 minutes at the end of the day putting the books away, that would be fantastic. If it exceeds 5 minutes, you may choose to leave some books to be put away by another parent the next day. My suggestion is that you do this from 2:50-2:55 so that the children can see you straight after the bell at 3pm. J We will put the box of returning readers out in the cloak bay by our class door just before 2:45 so that you can pick it up.

Pencils: pencils will be sent home on Friday. If they could be returned by Monday morning ready for learning, it would be very helpful.

Any questions, please let me know. Thank you again for your support. :D 

Adele Park 

Monday 3 February 2014

Swimming Sensations

Today for swimming we had an instructor from Swim Safe NZ come and work with the children.  It was a lot of fun as the children played various games which helped them to develop their water confidence.  The children became Elephants, Frogs, Kangaroo, and Dolphins as they each showed off their swimming capabilities.  It was a great opportunity for all to work within their comfort zones and some children even doing some water activities for the first time!  It was great to see all the children participating and giving it a go.                                                                                                              

by Rebecca McCulloch

Arahoe School made the Herald bee-cause of the bees at our school!

To read more about it, please visit the following website

Sunday 2 February 2014

Some Photo Examples of Assemblage Art

Maths King and Queen... and Prince!

The first week in Room 15 has been a chance for the children to get to know each other, their teacher and the classroom.  It has been a lot of fun, and I am sure you have heard all about it at home. This week we crowned the Maths King and Queen, who get the honour of wearing the royal jewels for the week. This week we also have a prince as the King and Queen Positions were taken up by Queens!  Well done Hazel, Caleb and Macy.                                                       
- Rebecca