Tuesday 29 July 2014

Listen to me read - Western Springs

Western Springs

You will never guess what I did on Sunday morning! I went to Western Springs with my family. First my dad got my bike out. My bike was heavy. Secondly I got my brothers scooter out. It was really heavy for me. Then we started riding around. So here comes the steep bridge… I went really fast down the steep bridge. I saw a swan. It was black; also it had a red beak. I was scared of it. Amazing. I feel magnificent. I wonder what I am going to do next Sunday.

Listen to me read - Arbour Day

Arbour Day

You will never guess what I did on Thursday morning.  We went to the field and found a P sign.

We went to the field and found a Pohutukawa tree and then planted a Pohutukawa tree. Mrs Park found the tag to put on the tree.

I felt like a tree. Next time I will eat all the cupcakes. Next time I will eat all the hot chocolate.

Listen to me read - Arbour Day

Arbour Day

You will never guess what I did on Thursday morning. The whole school went to the field to plant trees. This is why we plant trees, they give us oxygen.

Firstly we hunted for a ‘P’ sign. After we walked and walked we finely found a ‘P’. After that we dug a hole. Next time I will plant a big tree. I think I will plant a rainbow tree.

I felt like a tree!

Listen to me read - School Holidays

School Holidays

We have some fun things planned for the school holidays. When we get back from the school holidays it will be term three.

In the first week I am going to get Disney infinity for my Wii, then I will visit my cousins.
The second week my Dad will be on holiday from work, we are going to Pauanui.

I can't wait to get Disney infinity.

Monday 28 July 2014

Listen to me read - Arbour Day

Arbour Day

You will never guess what we did on Thursday on the field. 

The whole school went.  We went with Mrs McCulloch with the class.  We went in the morning.  We planted trees.  We planted trees because trees are important.  We walked and walked until we finally found a hole.  Then we took turns of digging.  Once we had finished we covered the tree.  But before we put the tree in, we put the name tag on.  On it was Room 15.  Then we took a photo.  The photo was cool. 

Next time I'm going to work harder.  I felt puffed.  I felt proud.

Listen to me read - Arbour Day

Friday 25 July 2014

Safe from Harm

This term our topic is ‘Safe from Harm’ and this week we have been talking about how we get to school and the ‘hazards’ that we may encounter along the way.  The children have embraced this topic and have taken it seriously, looking out for all sorts of things around the school that they have identified as hazardous. 
These Photos show our ‘walk-about’ checking out the school entry points, while we identified and discussed keeping safe.

     Miss McCulloch