Thursday 11 September 2014


Hi Room 15 Parents and Whanau,

As I’m sure you all know, we are having the first “Arahoe Spring Fair” on November 1st. Each class will be holding their own stall and Room 15’s is Old Fashioned Sweets. We would love to get the entire class and their families involved in making our stall a huge success. We would love to hear what your favourite old fashioned sweets are and feel free to send through your special recipe if you have one.

We would like all families to help us by donating
·         A jar (or jars) preferably with their lid/s (that is  approx. 500ml capacity) and
·         Cellophane bags (these can be bought from two dollar shops in Lynn Mall)
·         and ribbon (if possible)
Please bring these items to the class by the 26th of September.

We would appreciate your time with (either or both of) the duties below  
·         Making the sweets before the day
·         Helping on the day, 2-3 people per 1 hour shift

Items we would like to borrow from you are
·         A gazebo for the day
·         A pink and white table cloth.
·         Pink and white bunting

If you are able to help in any way or have any fabulous ideas to make Room 15’s stall a standout please contact us (R15’s parent organisers).

Notices will go out next Monday. 

Thanks for your support.

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