Tuesday 26 August 2014

Athon Testing Week - helpers needed

Testing Week 6 (25th – 29th August)
By Monday 25th August your child is asked to return their sponsorship form,  with their list of sponsor pledges, to school.
During this week your child will be tested on their questions at school.  The total sponsorship money to be collected will be worked out at school and recorded on the sponsorship form. The sponsorship form will then be returned home with your child the next day.  Some junior classes will be asking for parent help with their testing of children. Please offer your help in advance if you are available during testing week. - Retrieved from the athon letter

Would any parents like to volunteer for testing some children this week, how ever many you can test be it one or two? Please let me know. 

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Screen Printing T-Shirts

Logo Art – Screen Printing!

Today we had a fun morning doing screen printing on our t-shirts!  We were fortunate enough to have the help and expertise of one of our parents to come and support this project.  The logo was created through the ideas and collaboration of the students, and then adapted to suit the screen printing process.  All the children got the chance to do a test run on a piece of fabric first before doing the final print onto their t-shirts.
The logo is inspired by our topic 'safe from harm' and the visit we had from Constable Carl, to promote safety when crossing the road.

Logo design

Screen printed t-shirts!

Sunday 10 August 2014


Did you know about the Pokapu Street ‘Park and Walk’ area?

It is a great place to park your car without a lot of the school traffic and it is really close to the Grandison Crescent School entrance. 
Why not walk with us…….
·       Your class teacher
·       Constable Carl
·       Mrs Armstead’s Travelwise team
·       Miss Prasad
·       And………Max the Pukeko

When: Friday 15th August

Time: 8:30am
Where: Pokapu Street,
New Lynn

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Listen to me read - Arbour Day

Arbour Day

On Thursday the whole school was given a tree to plant.In the morning our class planted a pohutakawa tree in the field.

We all went down to the field and dug a hole for the pohutakawa tree. Then we planted the pohutakawa with some soil. The tree will get its water from the rain. Trees are very importantly in our lives because trees give us oxygen, shelter and also paper is made from trees.

Listen to me read - Fairy Shop

Fairy Shop

My favourite memory is when I had my birthday at the Fairy Shop.  I liked it there because I had fun with all my friends and I had a beautiful cake that my Mum made me.

Listen to me read - Arbour Day

Arbour Day

You will never guess what we did on Thursday morning. We went to the field.  We planted a Pohutukawa tree.

We went onto the field to plant a Pohutukawa tree. We dug a hole to plant a tree. Secondly we put the plant in the hole. We put a tag on the tree.

I felt like a worm. Next time I will drink all the hot chocolates.  I thought it was fun.

Listen to me read - Arbour Day

Arbour Day

You will never guess what my class did on Thursday morning. We walked to the field down by the bank to plant some trees.

We are planting trees because it is Abor Day at Arahoe School. Our class get to plant a Pohutukawa tree. It is a New Zealand native tree.
We went to look for the blue sprayed P sign on the ground. It stands for Pohutukawa and that's where we are going to dig a hole to plant our tree.
We dug a hole in the ground using Maerin's spade. When we have finished digging, we planted the tree.
Mrs Melo put some fertiliser in the hole because the hole was too big and also it is good for the tree. The fertiliser is dark brown and looks very thick but when you touch it. It feels very soft.
We put a name tag on our tree with room 15 on it. Then we get to have a class photo and it was beautiful.
After the trees were planted, we all went to the bake sale and we get to but a treat. I got a chocolate muffin and a hot chocolate drink. It was delicious.

I felt like the rain. I thought it would be very hard but it was so easy to plant a tree. Next time I will try to plant a tree at my house.

Listen to me read - Arbour Day

Arbour Day

You will never guess what we did on Thursday on the field. 

When we got to the field, we went down the bank to find the 'p' sign because we were going to plant a pohutakawa tree! We walked and walked until at last we found the 'p' sign. Lots of kids in our class brought spades, Maerin was one of them. We all had a turn digging, including me! Last of all the adults put the tree into the hole we dug.

I felt like a pohutakawa tree. I thought that it was cool. I'm going to come next time too.

Listen to me read - Arbour Day

Arbour Day

You will never guess what I did on Thursday morning. The class and I went down the bank where we planted a pohutukawa. 

First, we dug a hole. We used a spade to dig the hole. Second, we put in the pohutukawa tree. The pohutukawa had  lots of roots. Third, I got some fertiliser and put in on the plant. The fertiliser was dark brown. It helps the plant grow big and strong. 

I felt like a pohutukawa tree. I thought it was very hard to put the pohutukawa in the hole. I am going to get two cookies next time!!

Listen to me read - Arbour day

You will never find out what we did on Thursday. 

I went to the field with the class. We planted trees because these give us oxygen. First we dug a hole, then we put the tree in. We covered the tree roots and we put the fertilizer in next. It looked like chocolate. After we did that we put the name tag on, then we had a class photo. It was so so good. Then we had the awesome awesome awesome bake sale!! 

Next time I am eating more cup-cakes. I felt like Tane God of the forest.

Sunday 3 August 2014

Visual Art Equipment

Dear parents/caregivers,
In Visual Arts this term 3 your child will be exploring safety messages portrayed in logos. They will learn what slogans are and how they are effective in getting an audience’s attention. As a class we will be creating a slogan and a slogan.

Once our logo has been designed we will be screen printing them onto t-shirts. We would kindly ask if you could send along a used child-sized t-shirt to school by Monday 11 August that your child can print on. So that the screen printing is easily visible, we ask that the t-shirt is plain white. This can be an existing t-shirt that can be turned inside out to be printed on.

Thank you for your support.

Miss McCulloch

Listen to me read - Arbour Day

Arbour Day

You will never guess what I did on Thursday morning.

First, we went to the field with my class. Next we dag a hole, it was as brown as a chocolate inside there. Then we put the tree in the hole. The tree was called pohutakawa. We put the fertiliser in the hole, so the tree could breathe.  Then we put some soil in with the tree. We then covered it with clay. The clay was of golden colour. Lastly, we took a class photo. We had to grouch down.

Next time I will bring my own spade for digging. I thought it was going to be hard but it was fun!

I felt as strong as an elephant. J

Listen to me read - Arbour Day

Arbour Day

You will never guess what the school did on Friday morning. We planted trees down the bank in the morning. The school went because green is good for our planet.

We dug a huge hole in the ground because we were planting a Pohutakawa tree. The hole was big.  We put the tree in. We put the brown soil in. It was as brown as chocolate. I put our room number tag on the tree. We had a class photo around the tree because we thought it was fun.

What a great tree. I felt like an elephant. I hope they will grow and grow and grow until they’re a tall tree. 

Listen to me read - Arbour Day

Arbour Day

You will never guess what my class did on Thursday morning. We walked to the field down by the bank to plant some trees.

We are planting trees because it is Abor Day at Arahoe School. Our class get to plant a Pohutukawa tree. It is a New Zealand native tree.
We went to look for the blue sprayed P sign on the ground. It stands for Pohutukawa and that's where we are going to dig a hole to plant our tree.
We dug a hole in the ground using Maerin's spade. When we have finished digging, we planted the tree.
Mrs Melo put some fertiliser in the hole because the hole was too big and also it is good for the tree. The fertiliser is dark brown and looks very thick but when you touch it. It feels very soft.
We put a name tag on our tree with room 15 on it. Then we get to have a class photo and it was beautiful.
After the trees were planted, we all went to the bake sale and we get to but a treat. I got a chocolate muffin and a hot chocolate drink. It was delicious.

I felt like the rain. I thought it would be very hard but it was so easy to plant a tree. Next time I will try to plant a tree at my house.

Listen to me read - Arbour Day

Arbour Day

You will never guess what I did on Thursday the 19th of June. I went to the school field down the bank with the whole class to plant a tree. We planted a tree because trees give us oxygen.

We got to the field and dug a big hole and it was really hard to dig. We planted a tree and its name was Pahutakawa and we dug very low and put the plant in it .We covered the plant with fertilizers. We each had a turn to put the fertilizer in. We put the name tag on the plant and on the name tag it said fifteen. We took a class photo around the plant. Miss McColich took the class photo.

Next time I am going to plant a tree at home. Even though it was hard to dig I am going to try. I felt like a gardener because I was planting. 

Listen to me read

Listen to me read - Arbour Day

Arbour Day

You will never guess what I did on Thursday.

We went to the field to look for a "P" plant sign on the ground. My class went because trees give oxygen. We are planting trees for Arbor day.
We put the plant in the ground. 

Next time I am going to have a hot chocolate.
I think the ground was slippery. I felt like a tree.

Road Safety with Constable Carl

Road Safety with Constable Carl
Today we had a special visit from the Road Safety Police.  He showed us how to safely cross the road at pedestrian crossings.

Cyber Safety - how to leave a comment

Dear Parents/Caregivers/Whanau

We have been refreshed on our Cyber Safety rules for Arahoe School.  We love and appreciate it when you leave comments on our blog, as  this is an important part of our community and keeping the communication flowing.
To help us keep our children safe, here are some of the rules we are teaching them.
* If the post involves a photo or a video, we ask that you do not use the child’s name, when posting feedback. This is so that the child cannot be formally identified within the photo. eg) Well done, Adele and Seul. From Mrs. Park (X) Well done guys. From Mrs. Park (O)

We appreciate your help with this and maintaining the safety of the children here at Arahoe School.

Many Thanks, 
Mrs Parks and Miss McCulloch.

Listen to me read - Arbour Day

Arbour Day

You will never guess the exciting things I did on Saturday.

My family went to Uncle Dan's house. I went with Michaela. I went for a visit, also he was moving, my dad and uncle Dan helped pack the stuff. I think it was hard work we all went to the new house. Also me and my little sister and mum and Michaela stayed at the new house. Me and my sister and nanny went to buy an ice cream. It was awesome then my mum bought us an ice cream. I loved it!! Then the couch came we saw the cool colour. Then we went home.

Phew that was a big day!!!!!! Next I'm going to Michaela's house I think it was awesome. I feel like a trailer. 

Listen to me read - Arbour Day

Arbour Day

You will never guess what the whole school did on Thursday morning! We went to plant a Pohutukawa tree, the hole was really hard to dig up.

We all had a turn at digging a hole in the ground, the ground was really hard to dig up. We got to see Miss Park put the plant In, Mearin brought a spade for Arbor day, we all got a turn at digging. After we dug up a hole we got a name tag off a little table. Now the fun bit-was the Bake Sale I got a yummy cupcake. It was so good I felt like a spade.

I thought the hole would be really hard to dig up, next time I will eat all the cupcakes.