Wednesday 29 October 2014

Puppet Show information

30 October 2014

Dear parents and caregivers,
The over-arching theme for Ara Teina students this year is ‘Green,’ in which we have covered several aspects of living sustainability. During Term 4 we continue the theme with a focus on looking at how different ethnicities sustain their culture and identity in their everyday lives. One way in which the children are exploring this is by creating puppets, and performing personalised puppet shows based on their own family cultures. Puppets are used universally by both children and adults to tell stories, to entertain and to convey messages. Ara Teina teachers hope that by giving children opportunities to explore their own identity through the medium of puppetry, it will help foster an appreciation for their own culture as well as that of others.
To support our learning we will be having Christine Fuller from ‘Hands Alive Puppet Theatre’ visit us on Friday 21 November to put on two puppet shows, one for the Year 0-1 students and another for the Year 2 children. She will be using a variety puppets to bring some well-known stories to life. We are excited to give Ara Teina children the opportunity to see a puppeteer in action. We hope that the show will be inspirational.

The cost for the show is:
·         $2.50 for non-Loyalty Card holders
·         $2 for those who have a Loyalty Card.
Payment can be made directly to your child’s teacher(s). Loyalty Card holders, please include your Loyalty Card number with your payment.
If you have queries, please talk to your child’s classroom teacher(s).

Kind regards,
Kirsten Bland
Classroom teacher,

Arahoe School

A message from school

Sharing Food at Arahoe
At Arahoe School drink or food treats/prizes may not be given out to children or classes. However, from time to time, classes may create and/or consume drink or food items as part of their learning programmes. When this occurs, parents will be informed of what children will be making and consuming. Your child's teacher will inform you well in advance of any planned shared lunch occasions. We understand that parents provide the food for their child, that they would like them to consume while they are at school.

Thursday 23 October 2014

Student Teacher

Dear Parents, 

My name is Fa'afua Silipa and I will be the student teacher in Room 15 for the next few weeks. I am a Samoan, born and raised in West Auckand, New Zealand.My faith, my family and my culture are the three most important aspects in my life. In high school  I was selected as a school prefect and was also a member and leader of the Avondale College Samoan group. 

I am a Christian and attend the Mt Roskill Church of Christ, where we speak both English and Samoan. I am one of the youth leaders in my church and am training to teach the younger children in the nearby future. In this role I am in charge of organizing activities and events for the young children at church.

I love sports. I have been involved in many different sports including athletics, netball, touch, rugby, tag, basketball and soccer. I have coached younger netball teams during my schooling years.  I am currently in my first year at the University of Auckland, working towards my Bachelor of Education, specializing in Primary Teaching.

Thursday 16 October 2014

Room 15 spring fair, more help needed!

Hi Room 15 Parents and Whanau,

We would appreciate your time with (either or both of) the duties below  
·       Making the sweets before the day
·       Helping on the day, 2-3 people per 1 hour shift

Items we would like to borrow from you are
·         A gazebo for the day
·         A pink and white table cloth.
·         Pink and white bunting

If you haven't already made contcts with Room 15's PSG parent helpers, please email  

Thank you for your support, we deeply appreciate all the support you provide for your children. 

Kind regards, Helen and Adi 

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Litter-less Lunchbox Challenge starting next week

Arahoe School cares for the environment. We want to reduce the amount
of rubbish we send to the landfill.

You can help us…


Make your lunch-box free of gladwrap and
plastic wrappers as these are non-recyclable.  Instead, put food such as yoghurt, chips
and biscuits into reusable containers.

Litter-less Lunchbox Challenge
Term 4 20th of October – 21st of November

The challenge is
to see which class can have the most litter-free lunches by the end of Week 5.

Each class is to fill in the calender and create an eye catching graph in the classroom which records how many litter-free lunches they have on a daily basis.

The winner will be
the class with the highest daily average of litter-free lunch-boxes over the period of Week 2-5.

The prize will be
an out of school eco-picnic for the whole class, plus the chance to choose and plant the centrepiece tree in the school vegetable garden.

T Ball info from Mr. Leaity

3 Skill Levels
T-Ball Only
T-Ball/Rookie Ball
Rookie Ball Only
Age Guide
Age Guide
Age Guide
5 – 6 year olds
7 – 8 year olds
9 – 10 year olds
T-Ball each player hits off the Tee only. There are no outs at this level.
T-Ball/Rookie Ball each player has the option to hit from the tee or have the ball pitched at them from a pitching machine. There are outs and games are scored similar to full softball.
Rookie Ball all players have the ball pitched at them by a pitching machine. There are outs and games are scored similar to full softball
NOTE: Each team requires a coach.
Season Dates:
13 weeks on a Saturday morning

1st November to 6th December (6 weeks)

14th February to 28th March (7 weeks)

Brains Park, Kelston
9.00–9.50am      (T-Ball and T-Ball/Rookie Ball Age 7-8)

10.00–11.00am  (Rookie Ball Age 9-10)

Season Fees:
$20.00 per child, $10 extra child from same family
All enquiries to Arron Leaity

Monday 13 October 2014

Puppet ideas

Puppet theatre ideas

Visual Arts Equipments

Dear parents,
This term in Visual Art, the Ara Teina children will be making a family of puppets and their own puppet theatre. Both need to reflect your family’s cultural identity. We would appreciate it if you would talk with your child about their cultural heritage and where they come from so that they can talk about it at school.

We need your help to gather together the resources needed for your child to make the puppets and puppet theatre. As our overall theme this year is sustainability, we would ask that you try to recycle or reuse as many materials as possible.

How you can help…
Please collect the following items…
1.  An old cardboard box (a little bigger than a shoe box is perfect) or a trifold display board (These can be purchased from Warehouse Stationery)
2. A tube/pot of acrylic paint that can be used to paint your child’s puppet thea
§       3. Popsicle sticks or wooden/plastic spoons that can be used to make a family of puppets 
       4. A photo of each member of your family.
5.  Fabric scraps, ribbon for the curtain. 
       6.  Hot glue gun & glue (optional) 

Please have the resources at school by 20th of October. Thank you for your help! 

On Thursday 23rd of October, we would like to invite you to school to help your child make a set of puppets and a  puppet theatre to represent their family if you are available. We will start straight after the roll at 9:00.

Please be in touch if you have any questions.


Ara Teina teachers

Saturday 11 October 2014

Term 4 Topic (information about your child's name)

Dear parents, 

This term children will be learning about different groups/communities they belong to in relation to children's rights. The first right we will explore is 'every child has the right to an identity (name and nationality)' and children will be writing an information report about their name. 

Children will  write about their name, specifically about 1.  language (e.g. meaning of the name in what language), 2. culture or religion presented in their name (if not mentioned in number 1, language) , 3. family connection (e.g. last name, middle name etc)  4. given by who. Each aspect is explained in the attachment which has been emailed out to you.  

As the task requires more information about your child's name, I would like to ask you to update the information that you've written about your child's name in regards to the four aspects (only if applicable) written above. We will then use the information provided to help us write our information report. 

For example, Mrs. Park's Korean name is Yi Seul. In Korea, our family name is written before our given name. Yi Seul means morning dew in Korean. My family name Yi comes from Joseon Dynasty and Korean Empire, consisting of the descendants of the Yi Seong-gye, the founder of the Joseon Dynasty. My name was given by my parents. Although our grandparents wanted to name me in a traditional way, my parents wanted to give me a name that is purely Korean to make it more unique. So unlike my friends' names, my given name doesn't have a Chinese character. 

language, culture: Mrs. Park's Korean name is Yi Seul. Yi Seul means morning dew in Korean.
religion: was not written in the text. 
family connection: My family name Yi comes from Joseon Dynasty andKorean Empire, consisting of the descendants of the Yi Seong-gye, the founder of the Joseon Dynasty.
given by: My name was given by my parents.
Other information: my given name doesn't have a Chinese character. 

Please use this website to add more information about your child's name. The password has been sent to your email. If you haven't received the password please let me know so that I can add you to our class emailing list. 

Thank you very much for your support.