Saturday 11 October 2014

Term 4 Topic (information about your child's name)

Dear parents, 

This term children will be learning about different groups/communities they belong to in relation to children's rights. The first right we will explore is 'every child has the right to an identity (name and nationality)' and children will be writing an information report about their name. 

Children will  write about their name, specifically about 1.  language (e.g. meaning of the name in what language), 2. culture or religion presented in their name (if not mentioned in number 1, language) , 3. family connection (e.g. last name, middle name etc)  4. given by who. Each aspect is explained in the attachment which has been emailed out to you.  

As the task requires more information about your child's name, I would like to ask you to update the information that you've written about your child's name in regards to the four aspects (only if applicable) written above. We will then use the information provided to help us write our information report. 

For example, Mrs. Park's Korean name is Yi Seul. In Korea, our family name is written before our given name. Yi Seul means morning dew in Korean. My family name Yi comes from Joseon Dynasty and Korean Empire, consisting of the descendants of the Yi Seong-gye, the founder of the Joseon Dynasty. My name was given by my parents. Although our grandparents wanted to name me in a traditional way, my parents wanted to give me a name that is purely Korean to make it more unique. So unlike my friends' names, my given name doesn't have a Chinese character. 

language, culture: Mrs. Park's Korean name is Yi Seul. Yi Seul means morning dew in Korean.
religion: was not written in the text. 
family connection: My family name Yi comes from Joseon Dynasty andKorean Empire, consisting of the descendants of the Yi Seong-gye, the founder of the Joseon Dynasty.
given by: My name was given by my parents.
Other information: my given name doesn't have a Chinese character. 

Please use this website to add more information about your child's name. The password has been sent to your email. If you haven't received the password please let me know so that I can add you to our class emailing list. 

Thank you very much for your support. 

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