Wednesday 19 November 2014

a visit to La Rosa Gardens, Green Bay

Thursday 20th November, 2014

Dear Parents / caregivers

As part of our topic We Are Who We Are, Rooms 15, 16, 21 and 23 will be going on a visit to La Rosa Gardens, Green Bay. This trip has been planned for Tuesday 2nd December.

We will walk as a class, leaving school at approximately 10.30am and will arrive back at school at approximately 2pm.                                                                                      

Your child will need:
  • sunscreen and hat
  • appropriate footwear                                                                                         
  • a packed lunch and a water bottle                                               
  • to be in full school uniform

If it is raining the visit will be rescheduled for Monday 8th of December.

This term we have been learning about different ways that we can give back to others.  While we are at La Rosa Gardens we will participate in a rubbish clean up around the park as our way of giving back to the local community.

The adult/child ratio is 1:6 so we will require parent help for this outing.  If you are able to help please let us know on the permission slip below.



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