Wednesday 5 November 2014

Assembly Tomorrow

Dear Parents,

Tomorrow will be my last day with room 15. It has been an absolute privilege to have met you all, especially working with your amazing children. I have learnt so much and am going to miss Arahoe School very much. 

This week room 15 have been learning a song called ‘Le Aute’ about the special Samoan hibiscus flower. We are excited to announce that we will be performing our song and dance at the Ara Teina assembly tomorrow morning. I have attached a link to the song with the lyrics for the children to practice tonight. If you are available please feel free to come along and watch our performance!

Thank you again for making my experience here at Arahoe School a real blessing. This school and especially room 15 will always have a special place in my heart. 

With love,
Miss Silipa

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